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"Without a coach, people will never reach their maximum capabilities"

Bob Nardelli, CEO of Home Depot

Sometimes we find ourselves in transitional moments – losing loved ones, ending relationships, changing careers. These moments present great challenges, but they are also key moments to reflect, to make important changes, and to grow.
Coaching during such times can be a part of the support you need, allowing you to build resilience in the face of these challenges.

As your coach, I will aim to help you find a meaningful, authentic path through these inflection points –not just to weather the storm, but to thrive. I understand the challenges smart, sensitive high-achievers face, because I am one too. I think and feel everything deeply, and like you, I’ve struggled with anxiety, balancing too many things at once, self-doubt and burnout. But I’ve also learned how to master my ambition and sensitivity and leverage my strengths productively. 


What can you Expect?

As your coach, I play specific roles depending on your needs:


Believes in you, recognises and stretches you to your full potential


Facilitates your goal strategies and manages your progress


Keeps you in action with confidence to move forward


Ensures you follow through and create change

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Clarity through coaching

It’s not until you get the right question that you get the right answer.

To achieve goals, they need to be realistic, practical and manageable. By working through your goals and asking how these will be applied, you will become aware of what hinders you.


Work with me through tried and true methods of habit building and live the life you seek to live.

1.Initial Query

We will chat about what you’d like to work with and what you’d like to achieve.

2.Email with a request of your goals

I’ll email you to ask which goals you’d like to work with and points to reflect on before the first session.

3.Our first session

I’ll ask which goals you’d like to work on first and how they will fit in your life.

4.Follow up sessions

We review how the week went, what worked, what didn’t and how to tweak things to reach your goals with ease in the coming weeks.

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To make profound change in your life you need to deal with past trauma, limiting beliefs and emotional distress.  It doesn't need to take decades of sitting in a therapist's chair.  There are new techniques, which I use, that can give you relief in 3-6 months. Contact me for a no-obligation chat.

Are you ready to live a life surpassing your expectations? Your sessions may look something like this:

Session 1 – Personal History

• We will find out why you want coaching.
• What the main issues are and areas you want to address.
• We will uncover internal conflicts and confusions.
• We find out what you want instead.
• We will explore some of your personal history to discover the root cause of the problems you are currently       

  facing; relationship with Mother and Father.
• We go through your Wheel of Life and set an area to target for improvement.
• An outcome for your coaching program will be agreed to.

Sessions 2 – Clearing Negative Influences

Many people find that the programming or influence of others may be running their life – even if they are unaware of it. Matrix Therapies helps you let go of this and step into your core identity. We clear negative influences from:

• Parents
• Significant partners
• Siblings
• Teachers or others of influence

Session 3 – Clearing Negative Emotions

We clear the umbrella emotions first:

• Anger
• Sadness
• Fear
• Guilt

We look at any related emotions that haven’t cleared and are an issue:

• Rage, outbursts, frustration, annoyance
• Grief, depression, feeling blue and low
• Anxiety, worry, stress
• Martyrdom, control

Session 4 – Clearing Limiting Decisions

We find these from your personal history. An example might be:

• Not feeling good enough
• Getting angry at being criticized
• Being accident prone
• Having problems with money
• Choosing the wrong relationship

Session 5 – Clearing Internal Conflicts and Confusions

Sometimes people can’t make up their mind about something because part of them wants one thing and part of them wants something else. In NLP these are called Parts and there is a process called Parts Integration that resolves this inner conflict.

Session 6 - Goal Setting

• How you can set goals that engage all the power of your unconscious mind and propel you toward success.
• How you can set goals that are inspiring and still practical.
• How you can set goals that fulfill both your abstract and concrete needs.

Please be aware that people take different amounts of time to complete each section of the program, and that the program may not follow each session in the exact order. There may also be issues from your daily life that may need to be dealt with in sessions, while at the same time keeping track with the program’s intention.




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