Have you fallen into the people pleasing trap?
How does it feel when you think you need people's love? Do you become a slave for their approval?
Are you living an inauthentic life because you can't bear the thought they might disapprove of you?
Do you try to figure out how they would like you to be, and then try to become that, like a chameleon? ​
Do you struggle to set boundaries with your friends and family?
Do you allow them to dictate or influence what you should do with your life, where you should work and what you should study?
Do you second-guess your decisions, and have a hard time saying "no" to requests, leaving you burned-out and worried that you’re seen as a pushover?
Are you people pleasing in your business, by doing the work of others just to be liked?
Are you hiring people and paying them wages only to find yourself doing the work, and working even harder now to pay for them and their wages?
Are you not being able to have some free time for yourself after a very long exhausting day, because you're overworked, not even being paid for all the extra hours you put in?
Are you struggling to speak up or make yourself heard in meetings, holding back your contributions for fear that they're not valuable or unique enough?
Do interactions with people replay in your head and you lose sleep over what your friends, relatives, colleagues, or clients might be thinking about you?
Are you an overthinker?
Do you second-guess your every decision and struggle to be strategic or productive in achieving your goals?
Do you have a hard time saying "no" to requests and commitments, leaving you burned out, resentful, and nervous that you're seen as a pushover?
Do you feel that all you do is give yourself to other's and receive nothing back in return?
You might think, ‘What’s wrong with being nice and making people happy?
But people-pleasing generally goes beyond simple kindness. It involves changing your words and behaviours for the sake of another person’s feelings or reactions, usually stemming from your childhood experiences.
You might go out of your way with your time and energy to do things for the people in your life just to gain their approval. This is how people-pleasing can cause trouble. The urge to please others can be damaging to ourselves and, potentially, to our relationships when we allow other people’s wants to take precedence over our needs.
In the physical world, boundaries are easy to see. Fences, signs and walls, are all physical boundaries and deliver the same message: THIS IS WHERE MY PROPERTY BEGINS. In the spiritual and mental world, boundaries are just as real but often harder to see. These boundaries define your soul and what you value, and help you to guard and maintain them. Healthy boundaries are a crucial component of self-care. That’s because in our work or our personal relationships, poor boundaries lead to resentment, anger, and burnout. Unlike more intuitive aspects of self-care like healthy eating and exercise, setting healthy boundaries isn’t something most people understand. For more people to experience greater well-being and fulfillment, they must learn about healthy boundaries. I am launching a workshop, starting this February to help YOU free yourself from the shackles of people pleasing and define your boundaries.
It doesn't have to be this way.

Hi, Im Jahida El-Assaad, your coach. I'm a teacher, mother of two, a business owner and a passionate woman with a purpose to empower as many people as possible to live a fulfilled life.
I too, was a people pleaser once. I used to give so much of myself until I was burned out, feeling resentful and angry at the world.
I learned to set healthy boundaries, to value my self and use my voice without fear to express my thoughts and emotions. Want to know what that did for me?
It has given me a whole different perspective on life. I enjoy the little things again. I am pursuing my dreams. Doing what I want to do, not what someone else wants me to do. It has helped improve my marriage and my relationship with my loved ones. It has reduced my anxiety because I am not concerned by what other people think of me. I do my best, I am a good person, I genuinely care for others and that's all that matters. I am happy, content and living a wonderful life with my husband and two children.

Imagine a life free from perfectionism, burnout, and the worry of what others think of you? Imagine how much more fulfilled, productive, and effective you could be if you put yourself first, set healthy boundaries, valued your worth and lived with a fulfilling purpose. This 8 week workshop is a group coaching experience to help you do just that.
For only $37 a week, I will give you the knowledge, skills and strategies to go from:
Helpless to empowered and resilient
Insecure to confident and assertive
Overthinking to proactive and focused
Emotionally spiraling to balanced and grounded
There are limited spots available and you’re not going to want to miss out. The best investment you will ever make is in yourself.
Each week, I’ll ask you to commit to one goal or area of focus. Then I’ll invite you to share your commitment with me or the group, and for the following sessions, you’ll report back on your experience for feedback and encouragement from me and the group. That’s how we create momentum and keep you inspired to make progress.
This is where I’ll be coaching you in between sessions. But more than that, this is where you’ll connect with a network of like-minded women for motivation, learning, and friendship. You’ll grow with every group member’s experiences, questions, and successes. And you’ll get better results because you’re not doing this alone.
Childminding is available at Glow Gym Fitness. To arrange this you will need to contact Selma on 0404906706. Childminding rates are: $3 per 1.5 hours/a child.
This workshop will be available face to face and online. Face to face workshop will take place at GLOW GYM FITNESS located at 51 Raymond Street, Bankstown, Sydney. The workshop will be held every Tuesday from 10am - 11am and starts on the 9th of February, 2021.
Online workshop will take place Mondays at 8.30PM via ZOOM and will commence on Monday Feb 15, 20201.
There are two options. An upfront payment of $296 or fortnightly payments of $74 (there will be small transaction fees involved).
All members of this group workshop will have access to 1:1 coaching with me for a discounted price of $99/hr! (That's a huge saving of $51 per session). This is a special offer for you if you wish to book a session with me to work on your personal or business goals.